About Us

City Legends Basketball welcomes you to our website. This site is dedicated to the past players that paved the way... It is our intent to showcase the historic stories and have a central location for stats on each basketball team. We are proud to celebrate the past players and their contributions to a game that has taught many lesson on the journey to becoming positve role models, business owners and all around great men. Without their dedication, love and sweat  for the game their would be no future ...

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Since 1993

City Legends Basketball Mission

Our Goal:

To organize, create and showcase the rich history of basketball, in the inner city between the Indianapolis Public Schools and Private Schools. To improve the understanding by providing an avenue ("safe haven") and to reflect the diverse stories of the time. This is an essential mission of the City Legends Basketball honoring the future... through the past ...


Interview City Legends Basketball ( 1950 - 1969 )

We are excited to have basketball highlight and interviews many players from different years and eras in basketball. Here at City Legends Basketball we pride ourselves in bringing together a unique basketball history which we are proud to showcase and share with the world.

All rights reserved. The website design & concept are © ™ by  Hawthorne Enterprises, LLC.